Sherif Andrawes
15th June, 2020
Episode 6: Disclosure is Key for Natural Resources Companies this Reporting Cycle
Guests: Wayne Basford, BDO’s Global Natural Resources IFRS leader and Susan Oldmeadow-Hall, BDO’s IFRS Audit Partner, both based in Perth Australia
Time: 25 mins
29th May, 2020
Episode 5: Social Licence to Operate in Mining. Where to From Here?
Guests: Bryndon Kydd, Leader, Global Mining & National Natural Resources Leader, Canada & Matt Crane, Partner, BDO UK
Time: 21 mins
27th May, 2020
Episode 4: Gold Prices Are Soaring. How Are Gold Companies Responding?
Guests: Jacques Barradas, Partner, BDO South Africa
Time: 20 mins
11th May, 2020
Episode 3: Ecosystm. One Company's Approach to Disruption
Guests: Amit Gupta, CEO and Founder, Ecosystm & Ullrich Loeffler, COO, Ecosystm
Time: 26 mins
29th April, 2020
Episode 2: Negative prices, storage issues & bankruptcies. An industry in freefall?
Guests: Edward Hirs, renowned energy economist & BDO Energy Fellow & Clark Sackschewsky, Leader, Global O&G & US National Natural Resources Leader
Time: 19 mins
17th April, 2020
Episode 1: In conversation with Sherif Andrawes, Global Head of Natural Resources, BDO
Time: 15 mins