Global Employer Services News

Ireland - Enhanced Reporting Requirements in effect

Effective 1 January 2024, Ireland introduced enhanced reporting requirements whereby employers are obligated to report to the Revenue details of the following non-taxable expenses and benefits provided to employees and directors on or before the payment date to the employee:
  • Items that meet the conditions for the small benefit exemption;
  • Payments related to the Remote Working Daily Allowance; and
  • Expenses incurred for travel and subsistence.
Revenue announced in early 2024 that while employers must comply with the enhanced reporting requirements from 1 January 2024, Revenue would not impose penalties for noncompliance until 30 June 2024.
Revenue have confirmed that the 30 June 2024 grace period will not be extended. As a result, employers need to ensure that they have the relevant processes and procedures in place to report these benefits in a timely manner from 1 July 2024.

Mark Hynes
BDO in Ireland
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