BDO Corporate Tax News

Germany - Annual tax act published

On 17 May, Germany’s Federal Ministry of Finance published a discussion draft of the Annual Tax Act 2024, which has been circulating for almost two months. The draft bill contains changes to income tax/wage tax, inheritance tax, real estate transfer tax, VAT and the transformation tax law, as well as some technical amendments and adjustments relating to jurisprudence of the Court of Justice of the European Union and the German Federal Fiscal Court.

A decision on the draft Annual Tax Act 2024 by the federal government is planned before the parliamentary summer break. However, parliamentary deliberations are not expected to begin until the fall, meaning that the legislative process will not be completed until the end of 2024. It is likely that changes will be made to the draft bill. (For an analysis of the bill, see the alert prepared by BDO in Germany.)

Roland Speidel
Marina Leker
BDO in Germany
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