Andrew Buchanan
Global Head of IFRS and Corporate Reporting, BDO Global
Formed of IFRS Accounting Standards specialists drawn from a range of BDO member firms worldwide, the IFRS Policy Committee is our global committee which is responsible for setting IFRS Accounting Standards policy for our global network. It is tasked with developing tools and guidance relating to IFRS Accounting Standards, and preparing comment letters to the IASB on issues of significance, with the aim of ensuring consistent interpretation of IFRS Accounting Standards across the network.
Global Head of IFRS and Corporate Reporting
Andrew Buchanan
Country | IFRS Policy Committee Member | E-mail Address |
Australia | Aletta Boshoff | Aletta.Boshoff@bdo.com.au |
Canada | Craig Cross | ccross@bdo.ca |
China | Jansen Hu | hu.jianfei@bdo.com.cn |
China - Hong Kong | Fanny Hsiang | fannyhsiang@bdo.com.hk |
Colombia | Luis Fernando Gomez Gonzalez | lgomezg@bdo.com.co |
France | Anne-Catherine Farlay | annecatherine.farlay@bdo.fr |
Germany | Jens Freiberg | jens.freiberg@bdo.de |
India | Siddharth Iyer | siddharthiyer@mska.in |
Israel | Ehud Greenberg | ehudg@bdo.co.il |
Italy | Stefano Bianchi | stefano.bianchi@bdo.it |
Lebanon | Antoine Gholam | agholam@semaan-gholam.lb.com |
Malaysia | Khoon Yeow Tan | tanky@bdo.my |
Netherlands | Alon Levy | alon.levy@bdo.nl |
Norway | Nina Servold Oppi | Nina.Servold.Oppi@bdo.no |
Singapore | Ng Kian Hui | kianhui@bdo.com.sg |
Spain | David Cabaleiro | david.cabaleiro@bdo.es |
South Africa | Theunis Schoeman | tschoeman@bdo.co.za |
Switzerland | René Füglister | rene.fueglister@bdo.ch |
United Kingdom | Moses Serfaty | moses.serfaty@bdo.co.uk |
United Kingdom | Anthony Appleton (non-voting chair) | anthony.appleton@bdo.co.uk |
United States | Wendy Hambleton | whambleton@bdo.com |