Topic 103 - Interim Financial Reporting

This topic includes FAQs relating to the following IFRS standards, IFRIC Interpretations and SIC Interpretations:

IAS 34 Interim Financial Reporting
IFRIC 10 Interim Financial Reporting and Impairment


Other resources

  • IFRS At a Glance by standard is available here.
  • Model interim IFRS financial statements are available here.


Sub-topic within this main topic are set out below, with links to IFRS Interpretation Committee agenda decisions and BDO IFRS FAQs relating to that sub-topic below each sub-topic:

Sub-topic NumberSub-topic and Related FAQ
103.1Scope and definitions
103.2Content of an interim financial report: Minimum components, form & content
103.3Significant events and transactions
103.5Disclosure in annual financial statements
103.6Accounting policies
103.8Recognition and measurement- other issues
103.9Restatement of previously reported interim periods
103.10Other issues




Text of FAQ

IFRIC Agenda Decision - Condensed statement of cash flows

July 2014 - The Interpretations Committee received a request to clarify the application of the requirements regarding the presentation and content of the condensed statement of cash flows in the interim financial statements according to IAS 34.

The submitter observed that there are divergent views on the presentation and content of the condensed statement of cash flows. One view is that an entity should present a detailed structure of the condensed statement of cash flows showing cash flows by nature. Another view is that an entity may present a three-line condensed statement of cash flows showing only a total for each of operating, investing and financing cash flow activities.

The Interpretations Committee noted that a condensed statement of cash flows is one of the primary statements that is included as part of an interim financial report as prescribed by paragraph 8 of IAS 34. Paragraph 10 of IAS 34 specifies that each of the condensed statements shall include, at a minimum, each of the headings and subtotals that were included in the most recent annual financial statements. Paragraph 10 of IAS 34 also requires additional line items to be included if their omission would make the interim financial statements misleading.

The Interpretations Committee also noted that in an interim financial report:


an entity shall include an explanation of events and transactions that are significant to an understanding of the changes in financial position and performance of the entity since the end of the last annual reporting period. Information disclosed in relation to those events and transactions shall update the relevant information presented in the most recent annual financial report (see paragraph 15 of IAS 34).


the overriding goal is to ensure that an interim financial report includes all information that is relevant to understanding an entity’s financial position and performance during the interim period (see paragraph 25 of IAS 34). The Interpretations Committee further noted that in accordance with paragraph OB20 of the IASB’s Conceptual Framework, information about cash flows helps users to understand a reporting entity’s operations, evaluate its financing and investing activities, assess its liquidity or solvency and interpret other information about financial performance.

In this respect, the Interpretations Committee noted that to meet the requirements in paragraphs 10, 15 and 25 of IAS 34 a condensed statement of cash flows should include all information that is relevant in understanding the entity’s ability to generate cash flows and the entity’s needs to utilise those cash flows. It also noted that it did not expect that a three-line presentation alone would meet the requirements in IAS 34.

On the basis of this analysis, the Interpretations Committee determined that an Interpretation or an amendment to a Standard was not necessary. Consequently, the Interpretations Committee decided not to add this issue to its agenda.

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IFRIC Agenda Decision - Interim disclosures about fair value

July 2009 - The IFRIC received a request to provide guidance on whether updates to annual fair value disclosures are required in condensed interim financial reports. 

The IFRIC noted that in accordance with IAS 34, an interim financial report provides an update on the latest complete set of annual financial statements. When an event or transaction is significant to an understanding of the changes in an entity’s financial position or performance since the last annual financial period, in accordance with IAS 34 its interim financial report should provide an explanation of, and update to, the information included in the financial statements for the last annual financial period.

The IFRIC concluded that IAS 34 provides sufficient guidance to enable entities to decide whether updates to fair value disclosures are required in interim financial reports and decided not to add the issue to its agenda as it did not expect diversity in practice.

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