Andrew Bailey
July 2023 Issue
BDO’s Global Employer Services News provides a brief overview of issues affecting international assignees, predominantly, but not exclusively, from a tax and social security perspective.
This publication brings together individual country updates over recent months. As you will appreciate, the wealth of changes across multiple jurisdictions is significant so to provide easily digestible information we have kept it to the key developments
that are likely to affect your business and international assignees.
Our Global Employer Services News is one of the ways we proactively deliver information we believe is useful to our clients on issues affecting international assignees. To read topics we have covered in the past, our previous issues are also available here.
For more detailed information on any of the issues or how BDO can help, please contact me or the country contributors direct.
Are you a tax leader in your organisation? We invite you to share your views in BDO’s Global Tax Outlook 2023, our quick survey on how the business of tax is evolving.
Andrew Bailey