In February 2021, Spanish Tax Authorities launched the second phase of a tool known as “Pre303”. This tool automatically creates a taxpayer’s draft VAT return by gathering information available to the Spanish Authorities through the on-line bookkeeping system, known as the ‘Immediate Supply of Information’ (SII), as well as from different information and census forms submitted by the VAT payer.
In 2020 the Pre303 system was only available for companies included in the SII system whose total turnover was below the threshold of EUR 6 million. This new update extends the Pre303 to all the VAT payers, offering different features depending on the profile the company.
The main features of the new phase of this automation project features the following:
Other fields, such as the current account number from previous declarations, the deferred VAT import quotas, and information related to supplementary declarations submitted will be included in the automated draft VAT return but the taxpayer can modify them.
Amparo Sanchís Sierra
Alvaro Gómez Elvira