Under Guatemala’s VAT, taxable persons can generally offset their input tax against their output tax (the VAT the taxpayer charges or collects on the sale of goods or services). If their input tax exceeds their output tax, the taxpayer has a VAT tax credit. The input tax credit is generally claimed (recovered) in the month the invoice is received or it can be carried forward to offset output tax in a subsequent VAT period.
Recently, the SAT (Superintendencia de Administración Tributaria) adopted different criteria related to how it interprets the recovery period for VAT input tax credits. The changes are reflected in modifications to form SAT-2237 Declaration of Value Added Tax, which is the electronic monthly VAT return that taxpayers must file. As a result, the electronic filing system currently does not allow:
These changes related to form SAT-2237 have forced companies to strengthen their controls related to the date of receipt of invoices and to report them on VAT forms in a timely manner so that they do not lose the credits.
With respect to exportation of services, the SAT has signed Institutional Criteria 10-2018, which sets forth the following types of exports of services that are not exempt from VAT in Guatemala:
Recently, the SAT announced that online and network sales increased as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic. As a result, the tax authority has established plans to follow-up on sales of goods and services that are advertised through the internet to ensure that taxpayers are invoicing and reporting taxes on such sales. Taxpayers who do not fulfil their requirements will be subject to legal action.
One tool the SAT will use to implement these controls is Decree 20-2006, "Legal Provisions for Strengthening the Tax Administration", which requires credit card companies to withhold 15% of the VAT and to report to the tax authorities information on purchases made by credit or debit card.
Yaneth Ralda