Brian Morcombe
The ministers of the 27 EU member states failed to reach political consensus on the VAT in the Digital Age (ViDA) proposals due to Estonia’s objections to the proposed measures on the platform economy. It will now be up to the Hungarian presidency of ECOFIN to try to close the gap and come up with a compromise agreement that all member states can get behind. One of the main tenets of ViDA is standardised e-invoicing and reporting and there have been other e-invoicing-related developments around the world in this area:
Several interesting decisions have come out of the CJEU in the areas of voucher classification, whether a subsidiary can constitute a fixed establishment for VAT purposes and the VAT treatment of the supply of electricity between for EVs.
Spain’s Supreme Court has agreed to hear a case involving the VAT deductibility rules as they apply to a holding company when it sells shares of a subsidiary to another group company, an issue that has been contentious and led to different tax treatments.
Brian Morcombe